All sound and modulation sources as well as the various inserts(processing units) can be selected.
basic procedure: select one or more osc(s), crank up it’s volume in one of the two sourceMix modules, and start elaborating it by selecting one or more of the various insert circuits (see below). you have 2×6 inserts available. if wanted, use Chorus and EQs at the end of the signal chain. tip: watch out for clipping. |
Because selecting different “modules” (oscs, inserts, mod sources) for different presets means (de)activating the respective dsps, crackling will occur when switching between presets with different “circuits”. turn down volume of your amp a bit. |
Features: |
*osc FM and PitchMod; constantFrq if wanted. |
oscs: |
MultiOscMaster, MultiOscSlave – if using the slave version, it can be synced to gate (useful for FM) or a MultiOscMaster (HardSync). |
morphingSaw with shapeMod (sine<->saw) |
morphingPulse with shapeMod,(pulse<->saw) and PWMod |
RawSaw – more brilliant, but (in higher frequencies) slightly distorted sound |
ExtIn1&2 – use cwmSynthi as an fx device. |
whiteNoise is available in the sourceMix section. |
mods: |
Adsr, Ad with attack & delay slope, LevelVelocity and TimeVelocity controls. |
multiLfo – expanded version with polarity switch, beatSync and gainMod controls. |
randomSignalGenerator – type (sine/tri/step), polarity switch, rateMod controls |
envFollow – to use external audio as a mod source. in&out gain, att, rel controls. |
extIn/Insert – all signals inside (osc1-3, noise, ins11-26) and outside (extIn1,2) can be used as mod sources. with smooth and gain controls. |
keyFollow – amount (-/+200) and baseKey controls. useful eg for KarplusStrong sound. |
const/CC – use a midiCC to modulate several sound parameters at once. |
inserts: |
BitChop (ins11+21 only) |
TempoDelay (ins12-16 and 22-26 only) – max. delTime 5461ms; tempoSync, FB, dry, wet controls |
Division – modulatable distortion module. parameters: modGain (-99 to +99), offset (-99 to +99), attenuation (-99 to dry). you can switch what is dividend and what the divisor (mod source or sound input). |
multiply(Vca) – module that is normally used in any sound for loudness control (except “noodles”). |
x^2or3 – power of 2 or 3 of the processed signal |
MultiModeFilter – 12dB filter. freq, 2x cfMod, Q, ampl controls, lp/hp/bp switch. |
CombFilter – coarse, reso, damp controls incl. mods. |
VocFilter – the usual version incl. xMod (<-Formant) and frq modulation. |
8kModDelay – max delTime 166.7ms (can be modulated); timeOffset, damp and FBamp controls.
module is quite heavy on dsp. |
Mix4 – inputs are osc1-3, noise, ext1/2, ins11-26) |
*pan&out section: set panning incl. panMod and level for the two insert lines (ins11-16 resp. 21-26).
*VUs for every insert to avoid clipping (switchable)
*note pad on bottom of the synth (text is saved in presets)
*Chorus and 3xEQ before audio out |