Roy Thinnes: Fooxer

Planet Z:


Fooxer: a Loop-mixing device. Mix and loop two stereo signals.

1: input gain and VU.
2: select one of four loop delay lines.
3: delaytime defined by Clock Divider (synced to midi clock)
4: select loop delay rhythm – punctuated, straight, triplet.
5: choose Clock Divider or potentiometer delay time.
6: delaytime defined by potentiometer (not synced).
7: master gain and VU.
8: select loop mode:
9: manual loop mode – switch on loop in turning fader to the right.
10:random loop mode – choose 
when a random loop will probably occur.
11:random loop mode – choose 
how often a random loop will probably occur.
12:sequenced loop mode – choose steps to be looped. For Ramp retriggering, use midi notes.
13:12dB Lp and Hp filters.
14:three insert Fx with dry/wet crossfade.
15:independent channel1<->channel2 crossfades for bass, mids and highs
16:crossover frequencies for Low-Mid and Mid-High
17:link/unlink button – if linked, all three crossfaders will react the same.
18:don’t forget to set appropriate bmp number.
19:recognized sample rate and Ulli values. If these values don’t match, change and then change back to original value.
20:Preset Lists for sequenced loop modes.

Download device: here  

Installation: if you don’t already have it, copy HostStatVCP100.dll to …/App/Dll.

And again: thanks Will and Simon!



Roy Thinnes: BassSynthi

Planet Z:


From ScopeRise Article:

On 26th March 2010, Roy Thinnes announced the release of his new free bass synth on PlanetZ.

Roy:  A new phase modulation synth with the following features:

  • Two Oscillators
  • Two AD Envelopes,
  • Tri LFO,
  • A DSP delay,
  • A 24dB Low Pass filter,
  • An FX insert.

Despite this thrifty equipment it has a character of it’s own.

Dante: Not bad, had you built any Scope synths before BassSynthi?
Roy:  Oh yes. The BassSynthi was my third synth device.

Dante: So what synths had you made before BassSynthi?
Roy: The DxSynth and the Atze

Dante:  And your design goals for BassSynthi?
Roy: After DxSynth and Atze, I wanted to make a compact, easy-to-edit synth device, which nevertheless should have a distinctive sound.  By fiddling around with the Modular Synth, I found a simple way to realize Phase Modulation. Osc1 goes to a Modulation Delay, which delay time is being modulated by Osc2.  The output of both oscillators is summed, passed though envelopes, an LFO, a low pass filter and finally the effects insert and that’s it!

Roy Thinnes and Dante July 2012


Roy Thinnes: Reloopah

Planet Z:


DSP File:

Here is the device version of the Reloopah module.
(see here)-in order to work, a ramp signal has to be connected to the ramp input of the device. preferred method is to load a ramp wave into host sequencer (can be downloaded here) and to send it via designated Asio output to the device. (don’t forget to set the correct tempo of the Reloopah device)
–slice controls 1-16 – select the position of the slice you want. the red are the default positions
–output 1-16 (below) – the device has two pairs of outputs; select the slice output here – green=out1(default), red=out2
–dezip settings: default settings should work in most situations; if the loop contains much harmonic content, try to change/increase dezipNWRelease (default 300)
–sliceScaling: decrease slice length. when used, a gate effect is achieved; use dezipNWrelease to avoid clicks
–snap 1-18: buffers which include slice positions, dezip, sliceScaling settings.
–randomize: when first used, slice positions are initialized=all on pos.1; press again to get random slice positions
–preset list for all parameters (little icon)
–preset list just for slice positions, dezip, sliceScaling settings

download device here
download dsp file here
audio examples:
have fun!
ps as already mentioned – this device is a dsp hog; don’t be worried if it takes some time to load!

Roy Thinnes: CwmSynthi

Planet Z:


a new cwm device. more infos here.
sound snippets v1.0v1.2v1.3v1.6.



Semi modular Synth.

All sound and modulation sources as well as the various inserts(processing units) can be selected.
basic procedure: select one or more osc(s), crank up it’s volume in one of the two sourceMix modules, and start elaborating it by selecting one or more of the various insert circuits (see below). you have 2×6 inserts available. if wanted, use Chorus and EQs at the end of the signal chain. tip: watch out for clipping.
Because selecting different “modules” (oscs, inserts, mod sources) for different presets means (de)activating the respective dsps, crackling will occur when switching between presets with different “circuits”. turn down volume of your amp a bit.
*osc FM and PitchMod; constantFrq if wanted.
oscs: MultiOscMaster, MultiOscSlave – if using the slave version, it can be synced to gate (useful for FM) or a MultiOscMaster (HardSync).
morphingSaw with shapeMod (sine<->saw)
morphingPulse with shapeMod,(pulse<->saw) and PWMod
RawSaw – more brilliant, but (in higher frequencies) slightly distorted sound
ExtIn1&2 – use cwmSynthi as an fx device.
whiteNoise is available in the sourceMix section.
mods: Adsr, Ad with attack & delay slope, LevelVelocity and TimeVelocity controls.
multiLfo – expanded version with polarity switch, beatSync and gainMod controls.
randomSignalGenerator – type (sine/tri/step), polarity switch, rateMod controls
envFollow – to use external audio as a mod source. in&out gain, att, rel controls.
extIn/Insert – all signals inside (osc1-3, noise, ins11-26) and outside (extIn1,2) can be used as mod sources. with smooth and gain controls.
keyFollow – amount (-/+200) and baseKey controls. useful eg for KarplusStrong sound.
const/CC – use a midiCC to modulate several sound parameters at once.
inserts: BitChop (ins11+21 only)
TempoDelay (ins12-16 and 22-26 only) – max. delTime 5461ms; tempoSync, FB, dry, wet controls
Division – modulatable distortion module. parameters: modGain (-99 to +99), offset (-99 to +99), attenuation (-99 to dry). you can switch what is dividend and what the divisor (mod source or sound input).
multiply(Vca) – module that is normally used in any sound for loudness control (except “noodles”).
x^2or3 – power of 2 or 3 of the processed signal
MultiModeFilter – 12dB filter. freq, 2x cfMod, Q, ampl controls, lp/hp/bp switch.
CombFilter – coarse, reso, damp controls incl. mods.
VocFilter – the usual version incl. xMod (<-Formant) and frq modulation.
8kModDelay – max delTime 166.7ms (can be modulated); timeOffset, damp and FBamp controls.
module is quite heavy on dsp.
Mix4 – inputs are osc1-3, noise, ext1/2, ins11-26)
*pan&out section: set panning incl. panMod and level for the two insert lines (ins11-16 resp. 21-26).
 for every insert to avoid clipping (switchable)
*note pad on bottom of the synth (text is saved in presets)
*Chorus and 3xEQ before audio out

Roy Thinnes: CwMix16-16

Planet Z:



16 stereo / 16 mono channel mixer.
on/off dsp switches for all channels -> minimal dsp usage
per channel:
1 x pre-eq insert
4-way eq (accessible via channel number/edit button):
-low eq: lowCut2, lowcut4 or lowshelve
-lowMid eq: bp, lowshelve or paramEq
-highMid eq: bp, hiShelve or paramEq
-high eq: highCut2,4 or hiShelve
4 x aux
2 x inserts
4 x bus
selectable channel colors + editable names
-after preAmp
-after mixer channel fader

CwMix16-16 8Busc

