Shroomz~> Can Control

Planet Z Thread

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CAN CONTROL v1.0 – Crossfeed EQ headphone monitoring aid

Thanks to all the beta testers for your time & for the high level of feedback. The only significant change since the last beta release is the addition of separate L & R input mutes for setting up the device. These mutes are not included in presets because they don’t need to be.

Please feel free to share your presets here since I’ve opted to release it without any, but be aware that when using someone’s preset, you may well have to tweak the device to your own preference even if using the same monitor speakers & cans/phones as they are. That shouldn’t be an issue though, as you’ll need to set the device up for yourself anyway whether starting from a preset or not.



Quick Start Guide

  1. Connect CAN CONTROL in line before your headphone monitoring output.
  2. Turn the CAN CONTROL master volume level down low.
  3. Play some music. Pink Floyd’s ‘Dark side of the moon’ is a good example of music that benefits from crossfeed, but there are many others (most infact).
  4. Turn the master volume back up to a listening level that you’re happy with.
  5. Mute the left (L) or right (R) hand side with the mute buttons at the top corners of the green window so that you’re only listening to one side.
  6. Switch on & off the crossfeed with the round black button labeled ‘X’ or by clicking the x-feed on/off switches in the green window.
  7. Play with the ‘High Loss F’ (frequency) and ‘High Loss G’ (gain) & ‘Delay’ parameters to adjust to your own head for a sound coming at an angle in front which sounds as close as possible to what you hear from your monitor speaker on that side instead of inside your head like you would normally hear on your headphones (especially closed back types). You won’t hear any difference with a mono record, but for sounds recorded only on one channel & in between, you should get a significant effect that gives a sense of some extra space.
  8. Adjust the crossfeed gain (X Gain) and left/right gain (LR Gain) parameters if necessary.
  9. Switch the muted channel back on, so that you’re now listening to both left and right hand sides.
  10. Adjust master EQ section parameters if necessary. You may find the need to cut bass frequencies between 250-500Hz by 1 to 2dB using the Low Shelf, but in some cases you may not! It’s a balance of what you’re monitoring & personal taste.
  11. Use your ears and some trial & error adjusting and listening to different types of music, saving yourself some presets with settings you’re happy with as you go.
  12. If you wish to get technical in setting up CAN CONTROL you can follow some of the procedures above using sine waves or filtered pink noise, but you have to submit pictures to this thread of you wearing your lab coat.

That should be enough to get you started. When I have time I’ll write something more in-depth if there’s a demand.




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